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"The essential is invisible to the eyes." The Little Prince
The bowl (about life force)
"If you are sensible, act as a bowl and not as a channel that receives and passes on almost simultaneously, while the other waits until it is filled. In this way, it passes on what overflows without harming itself.

Learn to pour out only from the fullness and do not desire to be more generous than God. The bowl imitates the spring. Only when it is saturated with water does it flow into a river, does it become a sea. You do the same! Fill it first and then pour it out.

Kind and wise love is used to overflowing, not flowing out. I don't want to become rich if you become empty in the process. For if you treat yourself badly, who are you good for? If you can, help me out of your abundance; if not, spare yourself."

Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), priest
The hole in the sidewalk (about change)
I walk down the street.
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am desperate.
It's not my fault.
It takes forever to get out again.
I walk along the same street.
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk, I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I'm back in the same place again.
But it's not my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out again.
I walk along the same street.
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I can see it.
I fall in again... out of habit.
My eyes are open. I know where I am.
It's my own fault.
I come out immediately.
I walk along the same street.
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I take a different road.

Book of the Dead on Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche
Selected videos, clips & music
1. impressions of HumanFlow and the flow cure:
2 Eckhart Tolle on the cause of dissatisfaction:
3. Jon Rabatt-Zinn on meditation & mindfulness:
4. Jim Carrey on depression (in English):
5. peacefull warrior - path of the peaceful warrior (feature film)
6th prayer - Green Tara, female Buddha of compassion.
7. meditation music - 108 names of the divine mother