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Flow cure

The time-out & compact cure for you

"One only sees Trees - Problems close together. The other spaces - and that Light." E. Matani

Less inner constriction, more flow

Do you feel mentally exhausted, burnt out and overwhelmed?

Millions of people suffer from these symptoms, often as a result of many years of excessive demands. It can feel as if your life force has been completely drained. Clarity, confidence and joy are completely covered by an invisible crust.

The first piece of good news is that these painful situations always offer the opportunity to grow from them. The second piece of good news is that these psychological burdens can usually be resolved and healed if you know how and learn to treat yourself well. Our flow cure approach not only helps you to gradually escape the prison of thoughts and habits, but also to regain basic trust and inner peace. Our methods are practical and suitable for everyday use, developed and refined over many years to restore the natural, effortless state in different psyches and personalities.

Would you like to find out whether the Flowkur can help you too? For details on our programs - Flowkur Vital, Classic or Intensive - as well as prices, content, individual approach and dates, we recommend a consultation. Book quickly & easily here your appointment.

The flow cure concept


Since there are different states of overload and also different healing processes of the psyche and brain, from too much, as in chronic restlessness, anxiety and burnout, to too little, as in exhaustion depression, when the plug is completely pulled out, we have tailored the FlowKuren to three different conditions: Vital in the case of restlessness, Classic in the case of severe loss of performance and Intensive in the case of chronic exhaustion. The 1-2 week time-out and cure is the intensive start of a 2-month process with support for integration at home. 


Especially for inner restlessness
In individual accompaniment & supporting program
View cure


Especially for loss of performance and sleep disorders
In individual accompaniment, with massage therapy and supporting program
View cure


Especially for chronic fatigue
With individual support, massage therapy, colon cleansing & supporting program
View cure
grafik 8 humanflow prinzipien final



  • Restlessness syndrome: chronic overthinking, thought addiction, thought noise, restlessness (non-clinical disorder)
  • Burnout syndrome (ICD - Z73) from mild to exhaustion depression, 
  • Depressive episodes - mild and moderate severity (F32)exhaustion, listlessness, emotional emptiness and withdrawal from social activities.
  • Recurrent depressive disorder (F33)
  • Behavioral addiction: Performance, work, recognition and creative addictions, "helper syndrome", "adrenaline junkie", emotional dependence and other non-substance-related disorders of the neuronal reward system (dopamine dysfunctions)
  • Overload syndrome: reduced performance, lack of motivation, difficulty in remembering, understanding and concentrating (including pseudo-dementia).
  • Stress-related, frequent and often changing physical complaints, such as headaches, stomach complaints or back problems, without a clear organic cause.
  • Stress-induced tinnitus (H93.1)
  • Persistent affective disorders, such as cyclothymia, dysthymia (F34)
  • Various anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders (F40-42)
  • Adjustment disorders (F43.2)
  • Mental disorders caused by Long-Covid (U08.9) or Long-Vac
  • Non-organic sleep disorders (F51.0)
    et al.



  • In general, the HF method is only suitable as a therapy for people who have an understanding of the problem and want to actively change something about it
  • Acute major depression (ICD10 - F32.2-3)
  • Acute manic phase (ICD10 - F30.1-2)
  • Acute sleep disorders where the affected person has slept 3 hours or less for more than 3 nights in a row.
  • Lack of receptivity and therapeutic ability due to extreme attention deficit

Acute suicidal tendencies:
If you are in Germany (DE), call the free 24-hour hotline. Telefonseelsorge +49-800-1110111 - for Austria (A) to the 24-hour emergency number 142 - for Switzerland (CH) to the 24-hour emergency number 143.

Remember: Even if it feels different inside of you at the moment, you are not alone. Please use the prompt help of professionals to get through this difficult time. Your psyche, batteries and brain can regenerate and heal, including your own. Your lack of perspective will pass and, in retrospect, may even hold an opportunity: to question what is not true and real and to let go of what no longer serves your life. Beyond your current narrow world of thoughts, inner emptiness, perceived loneliness and emotional wounding, you are safe, supported and valuable, just as you are. Really.

The HF method

The HumanFlow method uses eight principles to discover and let go of useless things that no longer serve your psyche. This offers an individually adaptable, multi-layered approach that combines various elements and motivates and empowers people to do their own "gardening" in their psyche. Each principle makes it possible to find one's way out of old patterns, emotional blockages and mental disorder and to return to the original life force. In addition to an intensive self-exploration and exercise phase at the beginning, the method also includes a guided 2-month process to systematically integrate the findings into everyday life.

Mindfulness training
Living in the here and now.
You practise how you can find your way out of chronic brooding, worrying and obsessive thinking. You will learn what it practically means to be in the here and now and how you can develop mental space in your psyche again. You can put an end to mental noise step by step. However, the brain and nervous system first have to "learn" to find their way out of chronic overactivity and slow down. Mindfulness training can be the key to this.
What is your value?
Get to know yourself.
Who are you really? Self-worth arises when you know yourself, beyond performance, appearance, roles or expectations. As long as you don't know yourself, your self-image will be determined by others, your childish imprint or what you believe. However, you are perhaps much more, different and freer than you think and have been taught. Whatever is true, you would have to examine it for yourself and understand it as true. Have you already looked inside yourself?
Overcoming anxiety
Get to know your feelings.
Feelings can seem extremely threatening, overwhelming and painful. What do they want? What do they really need? What is the feeling all about? Mindful feeling through the body allows you to experience a feeling and its core in a completely different way. We practise mindfulness-based ways of dealing with strong emotions such as panic attacks, anxiety, deep sadness and restlessness. What would happen if you were to dwell in their center without demands, practically and silently?
Belief pattern work
No thought is absolutely true.
No thought is reality, but "only" one of many perspectives on reality. Inwardly, however, it often feels different, because our deeper belief patterns in particular seem real and true. But are they really? Reality may be very different from what your thoughts and feelings lead you to believe. We will show you how you can systematically question your thoughts so that you can recognize and let go of distorted thoughts that are neither useful nor true.
Are you living authentically?
This principle is about discovering what is really important to you. What do you really need? What do you stand for? What is your priority? Where is your limit? What is a normal compromise and what is a lazy one? What happens if your boundaries are crossed? The better you know yourself, the more steadfastly you can act. You become visible. It's often no longer about right or wrong, but only about being real, living and you. You are not a line and you don't have to blindly follow a right line in the long term. It just seems that way.
Higher power
You are safe and supported.
Even if it may feel different, life carries you, not the other way around. Many people take on responsibility for others and believe they have to carry and secure others in the long term. However, this is not true, but in the long run it exhausts and overloads even the strongest "donkey". By practicing giving up, you can place the part that is out of your hands into the hands of the higher power, however you understand it. It will rush to your aid. Take a step towards her.
Being in what is.
A suitable daily ritual can help you find your way back to reality from the extreme of being head-heavy. With a little intention, know-how and practice, the neuronal structure of the brain changes. We will work with you to help you find your own access more and more easily and take a seat in your inner garden.

Based on your personal experiences, approaches and discoveries, at the end of the FlowKur we will develop a concrete, integrable 6-9 point plan for your independent "gardening" at home over the next 2 months.